Please note, this is the public facing area of our API documentation. Once you are ready to proceed, we'll need the name and email address of the person that will access the API, as well as name of the regulated firm(s) you are working with. We will then create your own product in our API management tool. The steps to follow are:
Provide the name and email address for the person who will require access to the API, along with the name of regulated firm(s) you are working with.
P1 obtain authority from regulated firm(s) to pass data to third party.
P1 creates API product, with relevant endpoints and firm data available.
P1 invite third party user to APIM portal and adds the user to the newly created API product.
Third party user receives email, sets password, logs in and selects to subscribe to the API product, accepting T&Cs.
P1 APIM then displays API key to user which can be used during the API calls to pull the data they have access to.
User pulls data according to their requirements.
The API key will expire once per year, therefore you will need to collect a new key during this window. Third party users can also run test calls from within the secure area of the API manager, so they can see what data is coming back to assist with the build. For any questions regarding this APIM, please contact Adam Prestwood - adamprestwood@p1-im.co.uk.